How to use your PAWs to overcome obstacles

I recently read The Obstacle is the Way. I felt the message of the book was timely, not just because of what we as a global society are currently facing, but also in terms of the obstacles I’m facing in my own life and career. The central message that Ryan Holiday espouses in this book is summarised by Marcus Aurelius nearly 2000 years ago: “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”

This thing in front of you. This obstacle blocking you from moving forward. This issue that feels insurmountable. This unexpected problem that is preventing you from doing what you want to do. The thing you dread or secretly hope won’t happen. What if it isn’t so bad? What if it is the greatest gift from the universe and it’s exactly what you need to advance your most important goal or become the person you want to become? […]

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The Value of Stoic Principles in Times of Crisis

We find ourselves in trying times. It is difficult to not let the global sense of panic and dread seep into my bones as I read the news or look at the latest COVID-19 statistics. I’m saddened by what this global pandemic will mean in terms of lives lost, families torn apart, and the long-term impact of a global economic downturn that is predicted to be worse than the global financial crisis of 2008. We have no idea how long this pandemic will continue or where it will end, but there seems to be no point in wallowing in all that is broken and that could go wrong.

I’m remined of a book on Stoic principles I read last year, entitled A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy. I found that a refresher of some of the principles discussed in The Guide to a Good Life can really serve in figuring out the best way to be during these unprecedented times. […]

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